Family Research

Flamborough Baptisms (PE85/4 1703-1772)

St Oswald's Church, Flamborough (PE85/4 1703-1772)


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Bielby, John12 Oct 1703John, son of John Bielby, Oct 12th 1703



NameChristeningTranscribed details
Brown, Anne7 Jan 1705Anne, daughter of Martin Brown, Jan 7th 1705


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Bielby, Mary15 Sep 1706Mary, daughter of John Bielby, Sep 15th 1706
Brown, Martin29 Sep 1706Martin, son of Martin Brown, Sep 29th 1706


NameChristeningTranscribed details


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Cammish, Richard28 Dec 1708Richd, son of Will Cammage, Dec 28th 1708


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Brown, Isabel24 Jun 1709Isabell, daughter of Martin Brown, Jun 24th 1709


NameChristeningTranscribed details


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Cammish, Anne27 Jan 1711Anne, daughter of William Camage, Jan 27th 1711
Wright, William7 Oct 1711William, son of Chris Wright, Oct 7th 1711


NameChristeningTranscribed details


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Basteman, John5 Apr 1713Jon, son of Edward Bastyman, Apr 5th 1713
Cammish, William20 Dec 1713Will, son of Will Cammage, Dec 20th 1713
Cockcroft, Will11 Aug 1713Will, son of Calib Crofton, Aug 11th 1713
Wright, Anne5 Apr 1713Anne, daughter of Christ Wright, Apr 5th 1713


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Basteman, Edward13 Apr 1714Edward, son of Edward Basteman, Apr 13th 1714


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Cammish, Mary27 Feb 1715Mary, daughter of Rich Camish, Feb 27th 1715
Cockcroft, Caleb2 Oct 1715Caleb, son of Caleb Crofton, Oct 2nd 1715
Wright, Mary18 Sep 1715Mary, daughter of Chris Wright, Sep 18th 1715


NameChristeningTranscribed details


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Cockcroft, Richard3 Nov 1717Richard, son of Calib Crofton, Nov 3rd 1717
Wright, John19 May 1717John, son of Christopher Wright, May 19th 1717


NameChristeningTranscribed details


NameChristeningTranscribed details


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Duke, John4 Sep 1720John, son of Richard Duck, Sep 4th 1720


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Bielby, Mary21 Feb 1721Mary, daughter of William Bilby, Feb 21st 1721
Bielby, Thomas5 Apr 1721Thomas, son of William Bilby, Apr 5th 1721
Cockcroft, John19 Feb 1721John, son of Callap Crofton, Feb 19th 1721
Wright, Christopher16 May 1721Christofar, son of Christofar Wret, May 16th 1721


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Duke, Anne18 Mar 1722Anne, daughter of Richard Duck, Mar 18th 1722


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Bielby, Jane12 May 1723Jane, daughter of Willm Beilby, May 12th 1723
Brown, John6 Oct 1723John, son of Thomas Brown, Oct 6th 1723


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Cockcroft, Mary9 Aug 1724Mary, daughter of Caleb Cockcroft, Aug 9th 1724
Duke, Richard16 Aug 1724Richard, son of Richard Duke, Aug 16th 1724
Wright, Jane19 Apr 1724Jane, daughter of Christofer Wright, Apr 19th 1724


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Bielby, John8 Aug 1725John, son of William Beilby, Aug 8th 1725
Brown, Thomas31 Jan 1725Thomas, son of Thomas Browne, Jan 31st 1725


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Duke, John9 Oct 1726John, son of Richard Duke, Oct 9th 1726


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Bielby, Magdalen28 Nov 1727Magdalen, daughter of William Beillby, Nov 28th 1727
Brown, Anne15 Jun 1727Anne, daughter of Thomas Browne, Jun 15th 1727


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Duke, William7 Jan 1728William, son of William Duke, Jan 7th 1728
Wright, Jonathan11 Feb 1728Johnathan, son of Christofer Write, Feb 11th 1728


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Duke, Richard30 Mar 1729Richard, son of William Duke, Mar 30th 1729
Duke, Robert13 Apr 1729Robart, son of Richard Duke, Apr 13th 1729


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Best, Prudence20 Aug 1730Prudance, daughter of Charles Best, Aug 20th 1730
Brown, Joseph12 Jul 1730Joseph, son of Thomas Brown, Jul 12th 1730


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Cross, Thomas28 Mar 1731Thomas, son of Benjm Cross, Mar 28th 1731
Duke, William7 Dec 1731William, son of Wm Duke, Dec 7th 1731
Hall, Mary4 Jul 1731Mary, daughter of John Hall, Jul 4th 1731
Wright, Mary5 Sep 1731Mary, daughter of Wm Right, Sep 5th 1731


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Brown, Mary17 Sep 1732Mary, daughter of Thos Brown, Sep 17th 1732
Cross, Ann12 Nov 1732Anne, daughter of Benjaman Cross, Nov 12th 1732
Wright, Isabel6 Feb 1732Isabol, daughter of Christ Wright, Feb 6th 1732
Wright, William19 Nov 1732William, son of Wm Wright, Nov 19th 1732


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Bielby, Gilbert14 Jan 1733Gilbard, son of Mary Bealby (love begot), Jan 14th 1733
Hall, John27 Oct 1733John, son of John Hall, Oct 27th 1733
Wright, Mary9 Dec 1733Mary, daughter of Chris Wright, Dec 9th 1733


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Best, Charles22 Aug 1734Charles, son of Charles Best, Aug 22nd 1734
Duke, George17 Feb 1734George, son of Wm Duke, Feb 17th 1734


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Best, Rebecca5 Oct 1735Rebekah, daughter of James Best, Oct 5th 1735
Cross, Mary5 Jan 1735Mary, daughter of Bjn Cross, Jan 5th 1735
Hall, Elizabeth29 Dec 1735Elizabeth, daughter of Jno Hall, Dec 29th 1735
Wright, John26 Jan 1735John, son of Wm Wright, Jan 26th 1735


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Best, Francis5 Sep 1736Frances, son of Charles Best, Sep 5th 1736
Brown, Frances10 Jun 1736Frans, daughter of Thos Brown, Jun 10th 1736
Wright, Ann21 Mar 1736Anne, son of Chris Wright, Mar 21st 1736


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Best, Jay10 Jul 1737Joy, son of James Best, Jul 10th 1737
Duke, Maudalan25 Dec 1737Maudlan, daughter of Wm Duke, Dec 25th 1737
Wright, William18 Sep 1737Wm, son of Wm Wright, Sep 18th 1737


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Hall, Charles25 Jun 1738Charles, son of Jno Hall, Jun 25th 1738


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Best, Hannah15 Feb 1739Hannah, daughter of Charles Best, Feb 15th 1739
Best, Jane10 Jun 1739Jane, daughter of James Best, Jun 10th 1739
Gibbon, Thomas4 Nov 1739Thomas, son of Thos Gibbon, Nov 4th 1739
Wright, Sarah8 Jul 1739Sarah, daughter of Christofer Wright, Jul 8th 1739


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Wright, Christopher23 Sep 1740Christephor, son of Wm Wright, Sep 23rd 1740
Wright, Thomas23 Sep 1740Thos, son of Wm Wright, Sep 23rd 1740


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Hall, William2 Mar 1741Wm, son of Jno Hall, Mar 2nd 1741


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Best, Elizabeth8 Aug 1742Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Best, Aug 8th 1742
Duke, John16 Apr 1742John, son of William Duke, Apr 16th 1742
Gibbon, Melchior9 May 1742Melchior, son of Thos Gibbon, May 9th 1742
Wright, Elizabeth12 Dec 1742Elizabeth, daughter of Christopher Wright, Dec 12th 1742
Wright, Jane14 Mar 1742Jane, daughter of Wm Wright, Mar 14th 1742


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Boulton, Elizabeth27 Feb 1743Elizabeth, daughter of Wm Bolton, Feb 27th 1743
Cockcroft, Easter3 Apr 1743Easter, daughter of Richd Cockcroft, Apr 3rd 1743
Hall, Smith19 Jun 1743Smith, son of John Hall, Jun 19th 1743


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Boulton, Jane15 Nov 1744Jane, daughter of Wm Bolton, Nov 15th 1744
Wright, Elizabeth6 Sep 1744Elizabeth, daughter of Wm Wright, Sep 6th 1744


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Best, Pheobe11 Aug 1745Phebe, daughter of Charles Best, Aug 11th 1745
Hall, Catherine25 Aug 1745Cathren, daughter of John Hall, Aug 25th 1745
Wright, Jane27 Jan 1745Jane, daughter of Christ Wright, Jan 27th 1745


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Cockcroft, Caleb1 Jun 1746Caleb, son of John Cockcroft, Jun 1st 1746
Duke, Robert4 Dec 1746Robart, son of William Duke, Dec 4th 1746
Hall, Dinah26 Oct 1746Dinah, daughter of John Hall, Oct 26th 1746


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Boulton, Mary19 Jul 1747Mary, daughter of Wm Bolton, Jul 19th 1747
Cammish, Elizabeth5 Apr 1747Elizabeth, daughter of Wm Cammish, Apr 5th 1747
Wright, Thomas26 Jul 1747Thomas, son of Wm Wright, Jul 26th 1747


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Cammish, William1 Dec 1748William, son of Wm Cammish, Dec 1st 1748
Cockcroft, William15 May 1748William, son of Jno Cockcroft, May 15th 1748


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Basteman, Mary23 Apr 1749Mary, daughter of Edward Bastiman, Apr 23rd 1749
Cockcroft, Ailce30 Apr 1749Alice, daughter of Richd Crofton, Apr 30th 1749
Cockcroft, Thomas17 Sep 1749Thos, son of John Crofton, Sep 17th 1749
Gibbon, John23 Jul 1749John, son of Thos Gibbon, Jul 23rd 1749


NameChristeningTranscribed details


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Basteman, Sarah28 Jul 1751Sarah, daughter of Edwd Basteman, Jul 28th 1751
Brown, Susannah21 Mar 1751Susanah, daughter of Thos Brown, Mar 21st 1751
Cammish, Ann27 Jan 1751Anne, daughter of Wilm Cammish, Jan 27th 1751
Cockcroft, Richard15 Dec 1751Richard, son of John Cockcroft, Dec 15th 1751
Wright, Susannah15 Dec 1751Sushanah, daughter of Wm Wright, Dec 15th 1751


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Boulton, William16 Feb 1752William, son of William Bolton, Feb 16th 1752
Brown, Frances16 Aug 1752Frances, daughter of Thos Brown, Aug 16th 1752
Cammish, Catherine10 Dec 1752Cathrine, daughter of Wm Cammish, Dec 10th 1752
Cockcroft, Sushanah18 Mar 1752Sushanah, daughter of Richd Cockcroft, Mar 8th 1752


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Brown, Frances13 Nov 1753Franke, daughter of Joseph Brown, Nov 13th 1753


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Bielby, Mary25 Aug 1754Mary, daughter of Magdeline Bealby, Aug 25th 1754
Cammish, Richard30 Jan 1754Richard, son of Wm Cammish, Jan 30th 1754
Cockcroft, Elizabeth15 Sep 1754Eliz, daughter of John Cockcroft, Sep 15th 1754


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Boulton, Grace20 Mar 1755Grace, daughter of Willm Bolton, Mar 20th 1755
Brown, Anne9 Mar 1755Anne, daughter of Thos Brown, Mar 9th 1755
Brown, Elizabeth3 Feb 1755Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Brown, Feb 3rd 1755
Cammish, Richard9 Nov 1755Richard, son of Wilm Cammish, Nov 9th 1755
Cockcroft, Robert14 Jan 1755Robart, son of Richd Cockcroft, Jan 14th 1755


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Cockcroft, William29 Aug 1756William, son of John Cockcroft, Aug 29th 1756
Duke, Magdalen19 Dec 1756Magdalen, daughter of Richd Duke, Dec 19th 1756


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Brown, Margaret11 Sep 1757Margrit, daughter of Thomas Brown, Sep 11th 1757
Brown, Susannah28 Aug 1757Sushanah, daughter of Joseph Brown, Aug 28th 1757
Cross, Benjamin25 Sep 1757Benjamen, son of Thos Cross, Sep 25th 1757


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Cammish, Edmund3 Jul 1758Edmand, son of William Cammish, Jul 3rd 1758
Cockcroft, Susanna30 Apr 1758Sushanah, daughter of Richd Cockcroft, Apr 30th 1758
Lamplough, Major15 Oct 1758Major, son of Robt Lampley, Oct 15th 1758


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Cockcroft, Hannah24 Jun 1759Hannah, daughter of John Crofton, Jun 24th 1759
Cross, Thomas1 Apr 1759Thomas, son of Thomas Cross, Apr 1st 1759


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Bielby, Susannah16 Sep 1760Sushanah, daughter of Gilbart Bealby, Sep 16th 1760
Brown, John8 Jun 1760John, son of Joseph Brown, Jun 8th 1760
Brown, Richard14 Mar 1760Richard, son of Thos Brown, Mar 14th 1760
Duke, Richard30 Sep 1760Richard, son of Richd Duke, Sep 30th 1760


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Bielby, Gilbert26 Sep 1761Gilbart, son of Gilbart Bealby, Sep 26th 1761
Cockcroft, Benjamin20 Sep 1761Benjamen, son of John Cockcroft, Sep 20th 1761
Cockcroft, Elizabeth8 Mar 1761Elizabeth, daughter of Richd Cockcroft, Mar 8th 1761
Lamplough, Thomas8 Nov 1761Thomas, son of Robt Lampley, Nov 8th 1761


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Brown, Isabel28 Feb 1762Isabel, daughter of Thos Brown, Feb 28th 1762
Cross, Mary10 Oct 1762Mary, daughter of Thos Cross, Oct 10th 1762
Duke, Mary24 Nov 1762Mary, daughter of Richd Duke, Nov 24th 1762


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Brown, Joseph1 Apr 1763Joseph, son of Joseph Brown, Apr 1st 1763
Brown, Sarah29 May 1763Sarah, daughter of Thos Brown, May 29th 1763
Cammish, Mary26 Feb 1763Mary, daughter of Wm Cammish, Feb 26th 1763
Lamplough, Thomas21 Aug 1763Thomas, son of Wm Lampley, Aug 21st 1763


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Bielby, Susannah21 Oct 1764Susannah, daughter of Gilbart Beilby, Oct 21st 1764
Duke, Maudland20 Mar 1764Maudland, daughter of Richd Duke, Mar 20th 1764
Lamplough, Robert22 Jan 1764Robert, son of Robt Lampley, Jan 22nd 1764


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Bielby, Gilbert22 Sep 1765Gilbard, son of Gilbard Bielby, Sep 22nd 1765
Cross, John10 Feb 1765John, son of Thos Cross, Feb 10th 1765
Cross, William10 Feb 1765William, son of Thos Cross, Feb 10th 1765
Lamplough, Rebecca10 Feb 1765Rebeckah, daughter of Wm Lampley, Feb 10th 1765


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Bielby, Sarah25 Sep 1766Sarah, daughter of Gilbart Bealby, Sep 25th 1766
Cockcroft, Richard23 Feb 1766Richard, son of Richd Cockcroft, Feb 23rd 1766
Lamplough, Sarah6 Jul 1766Sarah, daughter of Robt Lampley, Jul 6th 1766
Lamplough, Sarah30 Nov 1766Sarah, daughter of William Lampley, Nov 30th 1766
Wright, Henry2 Nov 1766Henry, son of John Wright, Nov 2nd 1766


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Best, Hannah8 Feb 1767Hannay, daughter of Frans Best, Feb 8th 1767
Bielby, Susannah9 Nov 1767Susanna, daughter of Gilbert Beelby, Nov 9th 1767
Wright, Elizabeth23 Aug 1767Elsebath, daughter of Thos Wright, Aug 23rd 1767


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Best, Thomas17 Apr 1768Thomas, son of Francis Best, Apr 17th 1768
Bielby, Francis27 Nov 1768Franky, son of Gilbard Bielby, Nov 27th 1768
Gibbon, Mary24 Jan 1768Mary, daughter of Thomas Gibbon, Jan 24th 1768
Hall, John17 Apr 1768John, son of Smith Hall, Apr 17th 1768
Hall, William30 Jul 1768Willm, son of William Hall, Jul 30th 1768
Lamplough, Ann22 Dec 1768Ann, daughter of Robt Lamplough, Dec 22nd 1768


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Cockcroft, Frances24 Aug 1769Frances, daughter of Caleb Cockcroft, Aug 24th 1769
Lamplough, William1 Aug 1769Wm, son of Wm Lampley, Aug 1st 1769
Wright, William28 Nov 1769Wm, son of Thos Wright, Nov 28th 1769


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Appleby, Hannah30 Aug 1770Hannah, daughter of James Appelby, Aug 30th 1770
Darley, Hannah22 Nov 1770Hannah, daughter of Wm Darley, Nov 22nd 1770
Gibbon, John23 Mar 1770John, son of Thos Gibbon, Mar 23rd 1770
Hall, John28 May 1770John, son of Wm Hall, May 28th 1770
Lamplough, Matthew17 Dec 1770Matthew, son of Wm Lamplaey, Dec 17th 1770


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Duke, Mary3 Oct 1771Mary, daughter of John Duke, Oct 3rd 1771
Gardham, Thomas10 Jan 1771Thos, son of Thos Gardam, Jan 10th 1771
Hall, Betty17 Feb 1771Betty, daughter of Smith Hall, Feb 17th 1771
Hall, Hannah23 Jun 1771Hannah, daughter of Wm Hall, Jun 23rd 1771
Lamplough, Matthew3 Oct 1771Mathew, son of Robt Lamplay, Oct 3rd 1771


NameChristeningTranscribed details
Wright, Mary23 Mar 1772Mary, daughter of Tho Wright, Mar 23rd 1772